Difference between diffusers, candles and incense
Adding essential oils to this little humidifier like machines has since become the new thing. Yet there are still a large group that just don't get it. It's all still looked at like some ancient ritual kind of "thing to do". So how can diffusing and aromatherapy be better than my candles stash?
Yes! Candles do smell wonderful! Surely have gotten use to various brands and selection of artificial smells. There it is. Artificial smells. While we tend to pay more attention to the aroma of our candles, whose really thinking about what they're breathing in at the time? So I thought about it...wax! Then thought if wax fumes were bad to breathe in, what about incense smoke. At least that's what I call it. Have you ever mistakenly inhaled some while trying to light an incense? Your nose can really get irritated in those instances. With this kind of basic understanding, there was nothing to do but figure out the differences in what we're breathing in when using these aroma distributors.
The question of why diffusing was already better than the other two methods was kind of obvious. I'm like, what's coming out of the diffuse is water vapor I how a humidifier works. Just that I dropped some essential oils in it to add an aroma to the air. It wasn't hard to find oils to drop in it, but it took some time to learn which oils to use for what purpose. Making sure to sometime focus on the essential oil's properties, and not just by how good it smelled. This is when I made the total switch to strictly diffusing at home. I find it best to understand the technical basics of things. So before talking about the differences between all three aroma distribution methods, I'll answer why I believe essential oils to be valuable.
Ancient and present day value of essential oils
So, remember in the beginning of this article when I mentioned diffusing was an ancient thing? Well remember the frankincense and myrrh Jesus received? Plus the jars always filled with resins and essential oils found in those Egyptian tombs? There wouldn't even be mummies preserved as good as they are without essential oils. My understanding grew greater that we don't really know much about how and why they used oils the ways they did. You'll find in a lot of ways, many ancient civilizations extracted oils from the trees and plants around them. Though their extraction method is not the most commonly used today due to steam distillation. What was important to know that that the same minerals and properties that those plants contained transferred to the oil based substance called essential oil. Being not only important to societies for burning aromas, but for body applications for the sick to beauty products for the wealthy. Today we mainly find them highly used in the perfume industry. Now you can get some what of a picture of old uses of essential oils. Both their medicinal and spiritual uses in the old days, is something modern time society needs to learn more about.
Aromatherapy through essential oils may with modern day mental wellness
One of the known medical functions of smelling something, is knowing that our brain processes the aroma and tells us how to reach. This is sort of what aromatherapy is all about. Our sense of smell can most definitely trigger an emotion or other physical reaction. Smelling a particular essential oil like lavender can help you relax. The spicy smell of black pepper is known to help with anxiety. You'll really need to chat with one of those brain Doctor's who can tell you how it all works. What I do know is that the medicinal properties that come in essential oils are all categorized. Just as the vegetation they are extracted from. Making it easier to pick out an oil that targets a certain result you're expecting from an aromatherapy session.
Questions are starting to come out about whether aromatherapy can be used for sleep and dementia. A search for essential oils to help with focus may direct one to black pepper and rosemary. In fact, google searches are increasing in terms of people searching whether aromatics can help with their ailment. You name it, from headaches to needing energy and even stopping nausea. People who try aromatherapy see that it does something. Now the question comes down to how and where to the oils you need.....I'm pretty sure House of Aja can help with that.
The difference between inhaling candles, Incense and Diffusers
THE ISSUE - Candles are made of wax, and that wax has to burn in order for the candle to operate. When they burn, they release a certain amount of soot or smoke in to the air. That soot contains toxins that we then inhale. Now, I'm not saying daily use of candles is toxic. Or that they even emit enough of the toxins to harm anyone. What people should be aware of is that you are still inhaling very small amounts of toxins into your body. Scented candles can emit formaldehyde, petroleum distillates, limonene, alcohol and esters. All causing health problems like dizziness, symptoms of asthma and respiratory infections. Though candles are considered safe to use, the advent of diffusing has allowed what they do to be presented in a healthier way.
Making and burning candles date as far back as 5,000 years from what research has told us. Different regions of the world used various waxes like beeswax and paraffin wax to make candles. There's a short read on the National Candle Association's website about the historical time line of wicked candles from past to present. Covering areas of origin and materials used.
Out of all the aromatic materials that produces a scent, incense is the oldest known form to man. Made up of plant based materials like tree barks, resins, seeds, roots and flowers. Incense has a close association with essential oils as they both come from natural plant life. The earliest recordings of incense use comes from religious and ritual use. Most people can remember that Jesus received a gift of frankincense at birth. A valuable gift Kings received to use as perfume or incense. The Bible depicts other herbs and spices being used as incense too. History does show use the ancient people took their incense use very seriously. Trading oils and materials to create incense all over the known world.
So what goes into making incense that when burned make them a less healthier choice for aroma use? We know natural materials are used to make incense. They are just one of those items where getting that particular scent has to come from the plant it's self. Yet incense is made by applying an adhesive to a bamboo stick, then coated it with a mixture of wood and herbal powders. The sticks are then dried in order to be ready for burning. Which is where you should start to consider the issues with incense use.
THE ISSUE - Incense burns a semi dark smoke full of particles which can be inhaled. If you've ever lit incense and gotten the smoke in your face, I'm sure you've experienced your nose and eyes not taking it well. When inhaled, the airborne particulates can get deposited in your respiratory track. Which can have a chance of leading to respiratory health issues. When it comes to our health, it should always be about decreasing risks. One thing that both incense and candles may not be able to fully help with.
We've all experienced some form of aromatherapy in our lives. In fact, whether you've lit a candle or incense, or sprayed an air freshener you've felt some affect from their aromas. Everyone's kitchen has been a place to enjoy the smell of herds and spices. Though it goes unnoticed, a person is definitely indulging in aromatherapy when cooking. Much of the happy emotions expressed while cooking come from the aromas of the ingredients put into food to enhance the taste of it. Yet diffusing is still not considered a normal thing in everyone's home. Out of all three of the aromatic choices we're talking about here, diffusing seems the be the healthiest and most diverse choice for scenting one's home. The physical and mental benefits from diffusing essential oils can totally out weight any other options.
Essential oils have been in widespread use well before biblical times. So it's sort of alarming to understand we don't use them as much today. Or rather, we just don't understand how to get the best out of what nature has to offer us. Our desire as humans to always look forward, has caused us to focus more on technical creations more so than what was naturally created for us on Earth. The home use of diffusing essential oils can be a gateway to regain our understanding of the basics of life. Making healing from nature the thing we as a society will begin to do again.
THE ISSUSE - The widespread problem essential oils and diffusing are facing is our understanding of how to use them. Diffusing is the most natural way to scent your surroundings. It's natural essence may not allow its aroma to be a strong as a candle or incense. Yet there is so much value especially concerning mental health that these oils can help us benefit from. Once the overall understanding of essential oil use becomes the norm, people will then begin to diffuse as oppose to burn.
There is a lot different between candle and incense burning, and diffusing essential oils. What I've found to be the most impactful towards my life has been diffusing. With it, you'll find yourself connecting to nature and even memories you have that includes that aroma. You won't have to buy what someone told you smells good. You'll be figuring that these woods, spices, herbs and flowers are as powerful individually as they are put in an advertised bottle for you to purchase.
House of Aja diffuser oil blends for sleep, relaxation and overall well-being